Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Branding Lessons: A MADman Principal Tests the Water!

I feel confident in my message about branding as I work on my book in NYC. I've scheduled meetings with business people and educators as I craft a useful small book for educational leaders who want to align the thinking about culture to standards and achievement in their school community. The conversations will soon be podcasts and the deepening of the topic of educationally branding a public school community can be enhanced and spread.

Many of my business colleagues like this approach of MADmen Principles for School Principals. They have definite views about how students are being prepared for a work-life future that is rapidly changing, and as the employers of people, people whose jobs will change on average 10 times before they are in their mid thirties, these business leaders want to be part of the conversation. And it isn't good guys vs. bad guys/"adguys".

SO how does a Principal become MAD..a MADman Principal? By testing the's an interesting image since the visual branding of MADMAN for this season featured Don Draper who was sitting in his office with the water rising around him.

If this type of direction suits you. Think of the following as a testing of the water.

1. Do some beginning reading and research into what branding is...
2. Do an informal brand audit by looking at mission statement, logo, website...
3. Start an informal conversation in existing meetings about how a BRAND might help solve a problem at hand...
4. Learn the language of MADmen in branding through research and wikipedia...
5. Start to talk using the brand language as you start the walk...
6. Gather people who like the attitude and brainstorm about the school BRAND
7. Discuss BRAND PROMISE and what your group can deliver with a true organizational personality

If you have momentum, it's time to call me. It takes about two to three months to launch a brand campaign ...and the water may be rising in your district!

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