Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Why Educational Leaders Need a Brand Platform

Do I Need A Brand Platform?

Building a strong brand starts with a Brand Platform. A Brand Platform is the necessary framework to house ongoing efforts that connect branding to school culture and achievement. Based on new branding terms and definitions, you’ll need to study up! Since the elements of Branding flourish with communication, let’s look to the terms and speak the language.

Be the Brand-Ed EDUCATOR….

Part of being in the tribe is speaking the language. One of the early tasks for a leader who is building a branding tribe is teaching the processes of a branded community for quick use. Employ the same definitions business created years ago and hone the conversation about your brand.

Your school’s Brand Platform will be the home for new thinking, including new language, “brandspeak” definitions.

Building a Brand Platform
Tenets for The CEO, Chief Education Officer, of Branding

As you build your understanding of branding, learn about the value of a Brand Platform. The brand platform will focus the organization on building valuable relationships, like root of branding. Once the conversation about branding begins, a platform offers a familiar framework on which to build your school brand. The platform consists of elements, new terms that help create a clear, compelling message to focus and connect every employee's behaviors toward consistently delivering the brand value. A snappy tagline or mission statement is not enough; and, most importantly, a Brand Platform must be embraced throughout an organization.

Your brand platform is designed to align the way the organization interfaces, in every engagement, with the community. It a practical, usable tool guiding all members of the organization to support the brand through their words and actions. Credibility is the most important criteria of a brand platform. Without credibility, a brand is simply reduced to an empty slogan.
At its best, a robust brand platform speaks to the school’s distinctiveness, contribution, and possibilities for making a difference in the lives of students. Credibility as a brand is woven throughout the tenets articulated in the platform. As a strategic tool, a brand platform has a wide range of appeal to connect with a broad constituency of students, teachers, staff, and management.

Scheduling meetings and creating teams around the important features of the brand platform can build familiarity with language and processes of branding that have worked in business for years.

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